As me cooper levi bayden went swirling through the timeline as I landed I looked at cooper bayden and levi and when I turn around I saw a sphere hurling towards me then I said'' time to go ”and we ran as fast as we can I could small rotting carcass it was disgusting. And when I looked back to see if they where there I saw five cavemen with there clabs I was so scared that I froze so Cooper and levi had to carry me I was back to normal after a while that was “scerdy” I siad we were all hungry and lucky for us there was berries ever where so I grabbed one and ate it “yum” I said so cooper grabbed one and ate it to cooper said “ yum” so we all grabbed a handful of berries and we ate them I was feeling brave and stupid so I grabbed a stone and I ran at a cavemen his long gross hair and his long infected fingernails and it’s animal skin clothing and I bonked him on the head that was a stupid idea I said to myself then he smacked me in the head when I awoke I was in a a cage a stone cage I saw my friends in a different cage I looked around I saw the painting but I knew if I touched it I would go back to 2021 but not my friends I saw pickaxe so I cracked thought the walls finley I got to them and I said “come on I found the painting hurry” so we ran to the painting and we touched it and we got back to 2021 so we thought.
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