Xavier’s eyes are like gold in a swamp.
Xavier’s hair is as dark as bark.
Xavier’s skin is as tanned as caramel.
Welome to Totara Whānau we are a year 5 and 6 class at Oruaiti school in the Far North. Our teacher is Whaea Jorja.
Xavier’s eyes are like gold in a swamp.
Xavier’s hair is as dark as bark.
Xavier’s skin is as tanned as caramel.
zoom as a bike drive pass our car we where driving to the otago museum to see the butterfly's as we where walking to the butterfly's we went to the part with Sultan and Sonia when we got there, there was no turtle shell it [little tip there was a shell last time I was here and I got go under] after we looked at the lions we went to the butterfly's when we got there I found a butterfly on the ground so I stood on it kidding I picked it up and pot it same where safe then we went to the activate room
Aqua speedster is a cross between a car and speedboat.
The aqua speedster can get up to 30 mph on water and 100 mph on land.
And it costs $86,000
when the wheels hint the water they wheels retracted.
It can hold 3 people.
It was made by PAUL BECKETT
How it started: it was a nice wavy morning. He was on his way to Patrick's house then he went to the crabby patty restaurant where he was making crabby patties.Then he read the RULES 1: make money for Mr,crab.2:make crabby patties 3: DO NOT EAT THE CRABBY PATTIES. Sponge Bob did not follow the thread rule so he ate a crabby patty and squid ward saw him and he knew the rules and that’s how it happened.
As the Guinea pig's run for the button ring ring ring whisper got there first the word was Expression whisper that is correct next word was Aggression maddie got there first yes that is correct
It was a beautiful morning sea, the turtle woke up on the wrong side of the bed. When tfinger at the fishhe fish saw the turtle he started to laugh the turtle poked the . Also the fish and turtles names are [fish name sweet] and the [turtle name shell]. They used to be friends until shell went to the corel It was big, it was beautiful and the food was great. until the fishermen come and take his mum away so shall run and run until he runs into sweet.Sweet can you help me find my mum “I am begging for your help” said shall “ok” said sweet.
the end
As me cooper levi bayden went swirling through the timeline as I landed I looked at cooper bayden and levi and when I turn around I saw a sphere hurling towards me then I said'' time to go ”and we ran as fast as we can I could small rotting carcass it was disgusting. And when I looked back to see if they where there I saw five cavemen with there clabs I was so scared that I froze so Cooper and levi had to carry me I was back to normal after a while that was “scerdy” I siad we were all hungry and lucky for us there was berries ever where so I grabbed one and ate it “yum” I said so cooper grabbed one and ate it to cooper said “ yum” so we all grabbed a handful of berries and we ate them I was feeling brave and stupid so I grabbed a stone and I ran at a cavemen his long gross hair and his long infected fingernails and it’s animal skin clothing and I bonked him on the head that was a stupid idea I said to myself then he smacked me in the head when I awoke I was in a a cage a stone cage I saw my friends in a different cage I looked around I saw the painting but I knew if I touched it I would go back to 2021 but not my friends I saw pickaxe so I cracked thought the walls finley I got to them and I said “come on I found the painting hurry” so we ran to the painting and we touched it and we got back to 2021 so we thought.
When I walked in the class room, I saw VR head sets were on every table. Two instructors there names where Alice and Grace after Alice talked for a bit then they said to put on the vr head sets when we put them on we saw fish all around then it started when we where watching they where talking to us about the sea it was so AMAZING!
As we waited to see who won the prize it was oruaiti we had won 20,000 dollars ever one was so psych “that is a crazy amount of money$$” we all said but there was one problem what projects do we do with 20,000$$,?. I won't to spend it on VR head set's
As I walk in the classroom I saw all of my pet day art and not one had a stifkit I was so sad. but I still have amazing scene on a tray and my clay dog and the rest of my art it was grant my veggie animal was not so good, and we where going to chach same different art work I did a tree it look amazing but instead we did the clay dogs. oh and my veggie animal was a spider it was not good.THE END
TODAY we walk up to the duck pond. First we piled out the HINAKI to repair it. Then we started to go around the pond to look for holes in the fence and when we where doing that we came upon a lot of holes in the ground fled with mud it all most went up to my niece then I wound a little pond where we washed are feet it was fun playing in the mud
My octopus teacher
Squirt! A giant blast of ink came out of the octopus’s beck, as it soars through the water like a bird in the sky.Craig foster was born in south Africa. he found the octopus while swimming in a kelp forest. It is a magical place for all the sea animals.
She lives around a bamboo kelp forest with creatures everywhere you look. The octopus hides under a rock in a crack.
The water temp she lives in is about 8.9 degrees Celsius.
She hunts better at night then day I think she hunts better at night because it’s more safe for hunting. Octopuses have 2,000 suckers, that's a lot of suckers.
An octopus’s brain is bigger than a man's hand.
The octopus's biggest predator is pj sharks when they have a grip on the prey they do this death roll.
One day Craig went swimming. He found the octopus with a male octopus they were mating, The next day the octopus was dying she was out of her den, then Craig found a little baby octopus. It was a sad moment for craig.
Why I love my
I love my mum because she is nice when I cry well most of
the time.
When you cry, your mum comes to the rescue.
Also she lets me stay up late and watch 13+ movies they
are really amazing.
She gives me and my brother about two hours of screen time.
We begged for longer but she always said NO.
She gives me screen time and plays outside it fun because I have my brother's cadence\oille.
Also when I go to a little kids' party mum always says” don’t be cocky” I kind of listen, I always go last for the pinata I don’t get to swing but I do get lollies they are yum.
THE ENDtoday in class we watched a video about the pygmy seahorse.... what do you know about the pygmy seahorse.The pygmy seahorse baby's when they eat sea fan coral, they grow tobereles so they can blend in with they the coral. it is so cool and amazing.
1. How old are you?, 5/half
2. What is your favourite colour?, red
3. What is your favourite dessert?, Ice cream and plums
4. What is your favourite thing to do at school?, playing
5. What is your favourite book?, scary books
6.What do you want to be when you grow up?, vet
he is not sad
1] what is a luthier?- a luthier is a guitar, ukulele, violin maker.
2] how long does it take Dave to make a ukulele?- a week
3] find a diagram of the parts of a ukulele?-
we are doing maths on are Chromebooks the site is called [maths.prototec.co.nz] tap the site to see. And do not use my name.
Today liz van der laarse
Questions we want to ask the Author.
Levi Griffin- Did you make up the characters names or are they real people?- No
Liam- Is it going to be a movie - Maybe
Sam- Why did you call it CUZ- Because It is about two cousin
Levi Gruebner- How long did it take you to write?- around 14 or 13 years
cooper Nichols- Can you make another sequel?- yes she is writing a book now
Xavier’s speech what I am going to talk about is
Fridays should be optional at school.
When you were a kid did you want Fridays to be optional at school? Because we do, and I will tell you some reasons that might change your mind.
This week I am going to the South Island to visit my nana and auntie and uncle and my grandad , they live in Dunedin. It's very cold down there and it’s a long way away so we will be flying because it’s a long way. Because we can have longer with our family in Dunedin we're going to fly out on Friday this friday.
If you can learn outside you can learn anywhere, just try it. It’s pretty cool. If I was staying home on Friday I would go make a hut and read the slappy world my goosebumps book. I would write a story about a boy in the woods. I will try to make it good. Do not judge me, it's fine ok.
You can get paid by mowing lawns. It's my dad's job. I wish I could drive the mower. It's fun, also you can get some fresh air in your lungs. You can buy stuff to Learn about like science stuff for math I will do times tables and take aways and plus I’m doing my math can you see 9+5=14,8-2=6,4+4+4+5=17 it’s math I’m pretty good aren't I
Your brain can relax like you're in a spa. Do you know we have a spa? It's really hot if you have a spa too9 raise your hand and if you have a spa raise your hand if it’s hot. It is for me. I have to get out every 30 seconds or so. Ok now let's stop talking about spas ok, good. You can put your head on a pillow so soft and fluffy grey and white pillows on your cosy bed.
You can get fit by Exercising outside or going for a run with your dog or you can do laps around your front lawn just like me, also I ride my bike around my house. Can you do all of these at school?. Fridays should be optional at school because we are doing work every day. It's hard like really hard do you believe me then say yes. good
You can do more chores if you stay at home. It helps your mum. Our jobs are feeding the dogs and doing the dishes and not whinghing because mum and dad will get mad and make me cry. Do not laugh, your parents probably made you cry didn't they?.
After much thought I say Fridays should be optional at school!.
Term 1 reflection 2021
This term I have been proud of the following achievements.
In reading I am reading boy vs beast books know it’s amazing
In writing I did my navy writing it take
In maths I learnt a new maths game
In PE this term I learnt how to play ki o rahi
In art I did same collage art.
During activity week I went to Waitangi
It was a normal day then our Teacher came in with same yum treats. It’s jam looked like splashing waves.It’s creamy tip looked like a Mountain of white snow, its crunchy Dow was so amazing it
It tasted like I was going to heaven.
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