
Monday, May 24, 2021

Rotational symmetry


Author visit

Today  liz van der laarse     

Questions we want to ask the Author.

Levi Griffin-  Did you make up the characters names or are they real people?- No

 Liam- Is it going to be a movie - Maybe 

Sam- Why did you call it CUZ- Because It is about two cousin 

Levi Gruebner- How long did it take you to write?- around 14 or 13 years  

cooper Nichols- Can you make another sequel?- yes she is writing a book now


Enviro day 5.6.20

making a hinaki today for enviro day I

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

My speech

Xavier’s speech what I am going to talk about is

Fridays should be optional at school.  

When you were a kid did you want Fridays to be optional at school?   Because we do, and I will tell you some reasons that might change your mind.

This week I am going to the South Island to visit my nana and auntie and uncle and my grandad , they live in Dunedin. It's very cold down there and it’s a long way away so we will be flying because it’s a long way. Because we can have longer with our family in Dunedin we're going to fly out on Friday this friday.  

If you can learn outside you can learn anywhere, just try it. It’s pretty cool. If I was staying home on Friday I would go make a hut and read the slappy world my goosebumps book. I would write a story about a boy in the woods. I will try to make it good. Do not judge me, it's fine ok.  

You can get paid by mowing lawns. It's my dad's job. I wish I could drive the mower. It's fun, also you can get some fresh air in your lungs. You can buy stuff to Learn about like science stuff  for math I will do times tables and take aways and plus I’m doing my math can you see 9+5=14,8-2=6,4+4+4+5=17 it’s math I’m pretty good aren't I   

Your brain can relax like you're in a spa. Do you know we have a spa? It's really hot if you have a spa too9 raise your hand and if you have a spa raise your hand if it’s hot. It is for me. I have to get out every 30 seconds or so. Ok now let's stop talking about spas ok, good. You can put your head on a pillow so soft and fluffy grey and white pillows on your cosy bed. 

You can get fit by Exercising outside or going for a run with your dog or you can do laps around your front lawn just like me, also I ride my bike around my house. Can you do all of these at school?. Fridays should be optional at school because we are doing work every day. It's hard like really hard do you believe me then say yes. good 

You can do more chores if you stay at home. It helps your mum. Our jobs are feeding the dogs and doing the dishes and not whinghing because mum and dad will get mad and make me cry. Do not laugh, your parents probably made you cry didn't they?.  

After much thought I say Fridays should be optional at school!.

                The End